We make plans to validate the alternative graphic representation by checking the parcel in GML (Geographical Markup Laguage) format and that it respects the delimitation that appears in the cadastral cartography.
With this we offer an Alternative Graphic Representation Validation Report (IVGA) which is an electronic document signed with a Verification Security Code (CSV) by the DG of the Cadastre as an authorized administrative action that indicates whether the parcel provided in GML format respects the delimitation which appears in the cadastral cartography.
All of this is due to the Mortgage Law and the consolidated text of the Real Estate Cadastre Law in which they establish a coordination system between the Real Estate Cadastre and the Property Registry, so that the latter incorporates the georeferenced graphic description of the registered properties, using as based on cadastral cartography. This is intended to provide greater security to the location, delimitation and surface data of the registered properties that are the subject of legal traffic.