Knowledge of the subsoil is becoming more and more important, which is the support for human activities, excavation, storage or construction materials, hence the importance of the geological-geotechnical study as a basis for civil engineering projects.
Geological-geotechnical studies aim to develop geological, geomechanical and geotechnical models that allow knowledge of the behavior of subsoil materials.
Geology provides the necessary information for lithological, structural, geometric, geomorphological, hydrogeological behavior recognition, etc.
Geotechnics provides the tool from a geomechanical point of view of identification, aggressiveness, expansivity, resistance and deformability of materials.
The compendium between the two disciplines guarantees the optimal solution of problems in civil engineering. The work methodology is made up of field studies , land surveys and laboratory tests :
We manage the most modern equipment for exploration, thus guaranteeing a true zoning of the substrate that, when placed in the correct places, provides a diagnosis of the situation.
We carry out hydrogeological studies with geoelectric prospecting to determine the aquifer properties of the subsoil, especially to know the subsurface stratigraphic profile, defining the clay horizons, the layers of gravel and sand, the position of the water table and the basement.
We carry out the following Hydrogeological studies:
Realización de estudio geofisico realizando calicatas eléctricas en Palma.☎️971 723 356✉️🔗••••••#topografia #3dtopografia #geomática #mapping #landsurveying #surveying #estopgeotecnia #floorplans #asbuilt #plans #serviciostopográficos #replanteo #gml #georreferenciación #georreferenciar #Mallorca #catastro #asistenciatecnicaenobra #replanteo #replanteodeobra #estadosactuales #baleares #drone #obra #plano #planimetria #topography #obras #estoppatologias #arquitecturamallorca #terreno
Estudio geotécnico en solar de Porto Petro - Santanyi#georadar #cavidades #cavitats #cavitacion #radargramas #geologia #gpr #geoscantik #geoscan #arqueologia #arqueología #mallorca #geotecnia #sondeos #geology #geologyrocks #penetros #baleares #majorca #construccion #estopgeotecnia #codigotecnicoedificacion #geologia